Level 1 - 30% discount
examples of imperfection could include:
Level 1 - 30% discount
examples of imperfection could include:
Small areas of mottled, patchy or speckled colour
Colour does not match our standard
1-2 surface marks
Level 2 - 50% discount
examples of imperfection could include:
Widespread areas of patchy, mottled or speckled colour
2+ dark surface marks
Excessive small air bubbles
Small dripmarks in a discreet position
Discontinued colour or end-of-line product
Minor damage or slight discolouring to candle or melt surface
Level 3 - 70-75% discount
examples of imperfection could include:
Complete coverage of patchy, mottled or speckled colour
Large dripmarks in an obvious position
Large air holes
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